Mark as Important: A new way for leaders to signal high-priority posts

Make sure that high-signal posts reach the right audience – on and off Workplace. Then measure the impact with new reporting tools.

mark as important - Workplace from Meta

James Humes, presidential speechwriter for John F. Kennedy, once wrote that “The art of communication is the language of leadership.”

Communication is the lifeblood of every business. It’s why, from the very beginning, we’ve brought innovations to Workplace that have unblocked the obstacles to top-down communication while also creating a space for two-way conversations on a massive scale.

But we know there’s more to do. Leaders are still struggling to cut through the noise. And traditional channels are at breaking point.

This year, over 280 billion emails will be sent worldwide. How do you keep track of what’s important amidst the deluge? And how many more meetings can you attend when the average executive is already spending nearly 23 hours a week in them?

At Workplace, we believe that important comms must be high signal. They should able to cut through the noise of the tools they’re using – including our own. And the impact should be measurable.

That’s why we’re rolling out the Mark as Important feature to all customers over the next few weeks.

How does it work?

How does it work?

Group posts can now be marked as important when their message is high signal. These posts will show up at the top of the News Feed for every member of the group. We’ll also send email and push notifications, and deliver a simple report to show the post’s engagement metrics.

In addition:

  • Admins can select the length of time a post should be marked as important
  • There can be multiple important posts at once, with the most recent post visible at the top of the News Feed
  • Admins have the option to send email notifications that will be delivered regardless of email notification settings
  • Engagement metrics include the number of people who have seen the post, along with the number of comments and reactions

Customers like Danone, Stanley Black & Decker, Hootsuite, and Discovery Communications are already using Mark as Important to change how people communicate at work.

It means no more throwing a memo over the wall. No more pieces of paper pinned to notice boards. No more hoping and guessing. Mark as Important is just one of the ways that Workplace is helping organizations transform from disconnected, bureaucratic, and siloed to smaller, flatter, and faster.

No matter how large the organization, Workplace is committed to reducing the distance between people. It’s just one of the ways we help to transform companies into communities.


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